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Through this information on the processing of personal data, Francesco Antonelli, residing in via G. Deledda 18, Bologna 40127, tax code NTNFNC80M15H199S, as the data controller ("Owner") of the personal data of visitors who will access the https website (hereinafter referred to as the website, the "Site" will be defined for simplicity), intends to provide a series of information on the methods and purposes of the processing of users' personal data.

All other websites that may be consulted through links on the Site and owned by third parties, for which the Data Controllers are in no way responsible, are excluded from this information.



In compliance with the obligations deriving from national legislation (Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 n.196, Code regarding the protection of personal data) and community legislation (European Regulation for the protection of personal data n.679 / 2016, GDPR) and subsequent changes, this site respects and protects the privacy of visitors and users, putting in place every effort possible and proportionate to not infringe the rights of users.
Pursuant to art. 13 of the Privacy Code, we inform you that the processing of personal data collected by the Data Controllers through the Site will take place for the following purposes:

allow the correct use of the Site and services by all users, including the possibility of contacting the operator and sending requests, answering any questions sent to the Owner, providing technical assistance and in any case for all those purposes pertaining to the execution of the contract and services.


Data collected automatically by the site
The IT and software systems that guarantee the operation of the Site may automatically collect some information such as IP addresses and other data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. These data, although not used to identify users, could well because of their characteristics and if associated with other data, allow to identify users, (e.g. IP address, domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, etc.). These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining statistical information and in aggregate form and to check the correct functioning of the site. These data are deleted immediately after processing, except for any investigations of computer crimes against the Site itself.
No data deriving from the web service will be communicated or disseminated, except to fulfill the obligations established by laws, regulations or community regulations.

Data provided voluntarily by the user
The user may provide a series of personal data, such as name, surname, e-mail address, country of residence, telephone number. The provision of these data is necessary to fulfill the purpose of providing the service indicated in paragraph II "PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING". Failure to provide it will not allow the Data Controller to provide the services, respond to requests received and give feedback to the interested party. The Data Controller reserves the right to access communications and analyze them for security purposes, fraud prevention, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, investigations into potential crimes and customer or technical assistance. All communications sent or received through the messaging tools made available through the site will be received and stored by the Data Controller for a period of time not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.



The provision of personal data for the purposes referred to in the paragraph "PURPOSE OF THE PROCESSING" is necessary to allow the interested party to use the Site and the services, request information on the service offered and allow the Data Controller to respond to requests received. Failure to provide it will result in the inability to make full use of the Site and its features, to be contacted by the Owner and to obtain the requested information.
The provision of personal data for the purposes referred to in chapter II "PURPOSE OF THE TREATMENT" is optional and the failure to provide it will have the sole consequence of the impossibility for the Owner to send newsletters, offers, dedicated contents and communications relating to exclusive initiatives. Even in case of conferment, the interested party will still be free to withdraw his consent at any time by sending an e-mail to the Data Controller. This site uses the default cookie policy as provided by the website The processor of personal data does not have availability of storage or management of visitor's cookies.


The processing of personal data will take place at the headquarters of the owner and third parties involved in other processing operations using manual and automated tools. In addition to the Owner, in some cases, categories of agents involved in the organization of the site (for example staff) or external subjects (such as technical service providers, service providers for sending communications) may have access to the data. , hosting provider, IT companies), also appointed and, if necessary, responsible for the treatment by the Owner. This communication is necessary to allow users to complete a reservation ("contractual purposes"). It is understood that users' personal data will not be used for other purposes without their explicit consent and will be processed for the time strictly necessary to achieve the pursued purpose. Any transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area will take place in full compliance with the legislation on the processing of personal data and after signing the standard contractual clauses pursuant to article 26 (4) of Directive 95/46 / EC . The complete and updated list of any data processors, if appointed, can always be requested from the Data Controller. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access, in accordance with Annex B of the Privacy Code. The user is recognized the rights referred to in art. 7 of the Code and in particular the right to access their personal data, to request their correction, updating and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law, as well as to oppose the processing for legitimate reasons. Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller by sending an email to:


Last update date: 11 May 2020


Il sito non impiega cookies per trasmettere informazioni di carattere personale, ne utilizza c.d. cookies di profilazione di alcun tipo, ovvero sistemi per il tracciamento degli utenti, bensì unicamente cookies strettamente necessari all’uso e fruibilità del sito, quali cookies di navigazione e di funzionalità. I c.d. cookies tecnici, tra cui rientrano quelli di funzionalità, permettono inoltre di personalizzare l’esperienza di navigazione dell’utente memorizzando alcune preferenze di navigazione dell’utente.

Cookies Google Analytics

Il sito utilizza cookies di Google Analytics per raccogliere informazioni in forma aggregata sul numero degli utenti che utilizzano il sito. Si tratta di un servizio di analisi web fornito da Google.
I dati generati da Google Analytics sono conservati da Google così come indicato nella informativa reperibile al seguente link Per consultare l’informativa privacy della società Google Inc., si rinvia al sito Internet 

“Prodotti e servizi Google”, “Esperto dell’account” ed “Assistenza tecnica”.

Gli utenti che non desiderano che i propri dati vengano utilizzati da Google Analytics, possono installare il componente aggiuntivo del browser per la disattivazione di Google Analytics. Questo componente aggiuntivo indica al JavaScript di Google Analytics (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) su siti web di non utilizzare i dati di Google Analytics. In fase di apertura del sito l'utente può dare il consenso o rifiutare l'utlizzo di cookie tecnici che sono utilizzati dalla piattaforma e Google Analitics e in nessun modo gestiti dal titolare del trattamento.


Come si disattivano o si rimuovono i cookie?

Se l’utente decide di optare per il blocco della memorizzazione dei cookie, non potremo più garantire un corretto funzionamento del sito Web. Se si desidera disabilitare l’uso dei cookie è necessario personalizzare le impostazioni del proprio computer impostando la cancellazione di tutti i cookie o attivando un messaggio di avviso quando i cookie vengono memorizzati. Per procedere senza modificare l’applicazione dei cookie è sufficiente continuare con la navigazione. È importante sottolineare che le impostazioni devono essere modificate separatamente in ogni browser e computer utilizzato. Ogni browser Web consente di limitare ed eliminare i cookie. 


Ultimo aggiornamento 11 Maggio 2020

© 2023 by Francesco Antonelli Emilia Romagna Tour Guide / Photo Credits Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons / Privacy e Cookie Policy consultabile qui: Privacy e Cookie

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